Size of the Baby: Somewhere around 3 pounds and 16-16.5 inches long. I’ve also gone from worrying that my belly was shrinking to worrying about how much more it can possibly grow in 11 weeks. That happened quick.
Weight gain/loss: Holding steady where I was last week at 17-18 pounds. I noticed that I’m officially be back to where I was 2.5 years ago before I lost a bunch of weight. (I have a weight tracker app on my phone. From when I started tracking my weight in December 2009, the total change is now +0.4 pounds. My low point was September 2011…right before I got pregnant.) Kind of depressing, but of course weight gain is to be expected and I’m looking on the bright side — so far, all my weight gain has been in the belly! Nothing else seems to have gotten bigger, at least not yet, and I hope this trend continues.
Maternity clothes: I had planned to check out a couple local resale shops over the weekend since Erin told me she found some good things there. Sadly, I ran out of time and didn’t make it. Next weekend!
Sleep: I’m not sleeping that great. Sigh. On Sunday morning, I woke up with a sore hip that lingered the whole day. Annoying.
Movement: Seriously, all the time. She loves to move. And move. And move. Sometimes they’re sharp movements, like jabs or kicks. Sometimes it’s just an overall stretching or rolling sensation. One of the weekly updates said I could probably distinguish between feet and hands or head and bottom when she moves, but I think that’s a stretch. It doesn’t feel like anything identifiable, at least not yet.
Food cravings: Nothing really. I don’t know whether to be disappointed that I haven’t gotten to send Jose out at 11:30 p.m. for ice cream or happy that I haven’t been craving too much junk food.
Best moment this week? We checked two big items off the to-do list over the three day weekend! Jose spent most of Sunday afternoon painting the baby room, and followed up with a second coat yesterday. I helped a bit on Sunday but he did the bulk of the work, and it looks great! It’s amazing how much different things look when they’re not builder beige.
On Saturday, we bought a car seat/stroller travel system. We debated for a long time about which stroller to buy — should we buy the whole travel system that includes a stroller, or should we buy just the car seat and then get a Bob (or similar) running stroller that would double as our regular stroller? I definitely want a running stroller, so it was really a question of one stroller or two. Two seemed a bit ridiculous, not to mention expensive, so we had pretty much concluded that we’d just get a Bob from the start.
BUT! Then I started doing the math, and with assistance from a very helpful Babies R Us employee, we were able to get both the deal they were offering online (for a free extra car seat base) and use my in-store 20% off coupon. By the time we stacked those up, we were paying the equivalent of just buying the car seat plus extra base outright — which meant the stroller was basically free. So we just got the whole travel system, and I was very excited for the rest of the day over the great deal!
I still plan to get a Bob, but I’ve read that you can’t really run with a baby until they’re 6 months old anyway so there’s no rush. Maybe I’ll put it on my Christmas list. Or start stalking Craigslist!
What I miss: I still could go for a margarita, but overall, I don’t really miss anything.
What I’m looking forward to: With the painting done, we can get going on the rest of the nursery! The big item is that we need to order a crib, which means I need to actually decide which one to get. Other than that, we need to find a dresser of some sort, and I have plans to paint a cheap Target bookcase we already have and put it in the room too.
I also just realized we start our 6 weeks of baby classes next Monday. Holy crap! I didn’t realize it was that time already.
Milestones: This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are added to baby’s skeleton every day. That is pretty cool. I get plenty of calcium through my normal diet, so I’ll make sure to continue that since she’s stealing a bunch of mine.
In non-baby-related news, a big work-related milestone last week was watching SpaceX successfully get their Dragon cargo vehicle to the space station. It’s the first commercial company to do that, and since NASA doesn’t have any launch vehicles at the moment, SpaceX is the only US entity that can get to the ISS. I don’t work SpaceX stuff, but I was still excited to watch them succeed. It’s a good thing for the ISS and for the space industry in this country!
Jogging strollers are great but I don’t recommend it as your primary stroller because they tend to be a little bulky and not quite as maneuverable in certain situations.
We have a Bob and love it! You can also buy a car seat adapter for it so that you can jog/walk with the baby prior to 6 months of age and just use the car seat attached to it (kind of like the travel system). The 6 months of age is when you can actually put them sitting in the main seat of the jogging stroller.
Good luck!
Don’t forget your shower “registry” !