Size of the Baby: A banana! Yay for being back to fruits that I like. The internets say baby weighs around 12 ounces, and we found out this morning at our ultrasound that ours is 13 ounces. Almost a whole pound — go baby go.
Weight gain/loss: In the past week, my weight has shot up again. It’s a rollercoaster for sure. By my count I’m up about 13 pounds. And only 13 ounces of that is baby. Awesome.
Maternity clothes: Same as last week — maternity pants but no maternity shirts necessary yet. I need to thinking about my packing list for Hawaii this week so that I have time to get any additional items before we go! I’m pretty sure I’ll need a couple pairs of shorts, and possibly a bathing suit, although I’m hoping I can just wear my 2 tankini suits.
Sleep: I need to go to bed earlier. That about sums it up! The amount of time I’ve spent sleeping on my stomach has been dwindling, and I think my stomach sleeping days are numbered.
Movement: Like I mentioned a few days ago, I finally decided that all these “muscle twitches” I’ve been feeling for a couple weeks are actually the baby. As if that weren’t enough, yesterday morning before we got out of bed, Jose felt the baby move!! That was pretty awesome, especially because neither one of us expected him to feel anything so early. It was a particularly strong thump, so I think he just got lucky and had his hand in the right place at the right time.
Best moment this week? The ultrasound and anatomy scan we had this morning! Everything looked great, although baby was firmly entrenched looking towards my back so we never got a good look at its face. We tried all sorts of tricks to get it to turn around, but it never did. We’ve got a stubborn kid already!
But of course the BIG news from the anatomy scan is that we now know whether our baby is a HE or a SHE! Wow. Amazing. I’m withholding the sex from the interwebs for a few more days to make sure the news percolates through our families, but if you want to know you can ask me.
Food cravings: Nothing of note, as usual. I do notice I get full quicker. The “eat small meals but more often” advice is good.
What I miss: A whole bunch of my tri club friends were racing the half ironman in Galveston last week, and it was weird to not be participating somehow. (I thought about volunteering, but wasn’t in love with the 6-hour shifts. Hopefully I can volunteer at a shorter race this spring.) The last couple weeks have been extremely busy and I hadn’t been exercising much, but last night Jose and I went on a nice walk. Whew!
What I’m looking forward to: Some of the fun stuff that goes along with knowing the sex of the baby! Just knowing makes it seem so much more real now, and I left the doctor’s office excited to start working on the nursery and figuring out what stuff we need to buy — even though those things are entirely independent of whether it’s a boy or a girl!
Milestones: Did I mention we know the sex? Ha. Totally awesome. Somehow it makes Baby R seem so much more real! There’s an actual person in there! Wow.
Looking forward to the announcement! Hurrah for a great anatomy scan!
Awesome, exciting baby stuff! Thanks for the updates, it’s fun to read and remember being in that phase (2x).