It’s spring break down here in Texas, and apparently this means everyone goes on vacation and all the meetings are cancelled. It’s really kind of strange, I mean, how many of the 10,000+ people who work at JSC actually have school-aged children? And on top of that, how many of them have children old enough to be in school, but young enough that they can’t be home by themselves for the day? I guess I can understand that it’s a good week to take a vacation. But it’s still weird. We never went on vacation for spring break when I was a kid, at least not that I can remember, even though my mom was a teacher and thus automatically off work at the same time as us. But the fact remains: meetings were cancelled and the office and the parking lot are noticeably emptier than usual. On top of that, I don’t have a lot going on this week anyway. I’m teleworking from home tomorrow and am totally ready for the weekend!
In other news, I figure it’s time to share a “belly” shot for those who are interested, so I took one in the bathroom this morning at work. I might look a teeny tiny bit pregnant in this photo, but that’s only because this is a pretty form-fitting shirt. In most outfits, I totally don’t look pregnant yet — just fat. (Which is really great on the self-confidence, as you can imagine.) This is not a maternity skirt, and it’s only a little tight. I know I will regret saying this when I am huge and uncomfortable, but at the moment it would be really nice to get past the “fat” stage and into the “maternity” stage, if only to make clothing choice easier.
Man, the humidity is doing a number on my hair. (As if that’s different from any other day in Houston.)
Let’s see, what else:
My Google Reader is rapidly filling with craft and sewing blogs, which makes my “to do” list get longer even as I finish little projects here and there. Same thing with my “crafts” board on Pinterest. I have a skirt in progress that I hope to finish tonight, but this 2-in-1 tote/clutch might be next on my list.
Kelly (my friend Katie’s sister, who I have never met but totally stalk through her blog) got to go to the world premiere of The Hunger Games. And it was part of her job! Um, I want her job. That is SO cool.
And finally, this made me laugh. A lot:
Source: via Sarah on Pinterest
How cute are you!
You look great!!