Today this baby is halfway done. Wow. Here’s another picture from the work bathroom. My outfit today is definitely bump-revealing, so enjoy. Not huge yet, but definitely something going on there.
Size of the Baby: 6.5 inches crown to rump, or the length of a banana from head to toe. And a whopping 10.5 ounces. One site compared it to a cantelope, obviously not realizing that I hate all melons. So maybe a coconut? I dunno, that seems about the same size as a melon, and much tastier.
Weight gain/loss: According to the doctor, 14 pounds. According to me, about 11 pounds. (They’re measuring based on what I told them was my pre-pregnancy weight. But that number was based on my scale, which weighs me about 3 pounds less than the doctor’s scale. I know I’m splitting hairs here, but hey.) Either way, I gained 4 pounds since my 16-week appointment, which puts me right on track at 1 pound/week.
Maternity clothes: I’m in a mix of them. In the photo above, the pants are maternity but the shirt is not. I can still wear my larger pairs of non-maternity pants and I’m not big enough for maternity tops yet. I actually imagined that I’d need maternity clothes a lot sooner than it’s actually turning out to be. I probably could have kept things a secret until this week if I’d really wanted to by just wearing flowy shirts. But if I wear something fitted, it’s pretty obvious.
Sleep: Not too bad. Mainly, I just need to go to bed earlier, and that’s got nothing to do with being pregnant!
Movement: My doctor asked me this morning if I’d felt it, and I said “maybe? I don’t know? I feel stuff that feels like muscle twitches sometimes…” She asked if it was above or below the belly button and it’s definitely way below that, and she said that’s probably the baby. I had kind of decided that already, but it’s still hard to say for certain. She told me I might be able to identify it next week at our ultrasound since I’ll be able to correlate seeing the baby move with whether I feel anything (just like Jen mentioned last week!).
Best moment this week? This week was awesome! Dinner with friends and The Hunger Games on Friday, Jose taking me to see Annie on Saturday, my birthday, and hearing the baby’s heartbeat at my 20-week appointment this morning. (Thump, thump, thump!)
Food cravings: We had dinner at Chuy’s on Friday night before seeing The Hunger Games, and I was SO excited to get a virgin margarita. Turns out, a virgin margarita just tastes like a bland lime slushie — highly disappointing. I think I’d have much better luck with a virgin daquiri or pina colada. No more margaritas/lime slushies.
What I miss: Nothing really. Things are good!
What I’m looking forward to: Ultrasound next week!!!
Milestones: Baby’s forming tooth buds and practicing swallowing. (I have to admit, the week-by-week development is less exciting now than it was in the first trimester. Teeth just aren’t quite as cool as “your baby is forming its ENTIRE BRAIN.”)
We still haven’t done anything, although this morning when it really hit me that we’re halfway to having a baby, I definitely had a “holy crap!” moment. I took a look at the to-do list I started several weeks ago, and we’re supposed to pre-register at the hospital no later than 4 months before the due date — which is April 14. That’s only 2 weeks away. Again: holy crap!
You look great!
I’m always surprised how long it is until maternity clothes are really needed. But, then you get to a point where they are really needed and kind of forget about all that time when your normal clothes fit.
With Rebecca I wasn’t sure about the movement until that mid-pregnancy ultrasound either. I know it was after 20 weeks. But then after seeing and feeling at the same time I realized what was going on. Another situation where it takes so long to feel the movement, but then before long you can watch your belly from the outside as the baby kicks and rolls!
So happy and excited for you!
You look great Sarah! Love the baby bump!
You look great, as everyone else is saying!
I found virgin pina colodas extremely disappointing in Hawaii. It basically is a smoothie, which is all well and good, but it’s not a pina coloda! Tasty yes. Cocktail, no.
Oh, and non-alcoholic Merlot? Disgusting! If you’re a wine drinker, don’t even bother with the non-alcoholic stuff.
One more comment – are you using The Bump to-do list? I followed that and found it worked pretty well. The only thing that was a problem was the birth class. The ones at my hospital filled up really fast, and so we had to go take one elsewhere due to not signing up soon enough.
I’m sure you’re feeling the baby. I always thought it felt like a muscle twitch that early on. Then later it feels exactly like someone is sticking an elbow into the inside of your stomach!
It’s funny. The first time I was pregnant I was so anxious to be in maternity clothes. The second time I was like “already??!!” (and yes, twins did make it a lot worse).
P.S. I’m excited for your ultrasound, because I’m totally shopping for you already!