So my blog got hacked (along with thousands of others, it seems) a couple weeks ago. I thought I’d cleaned it up, and I had…except I had several other installations on my server for other sites, and I didn’t clean them all at the same time. So the bad code came back. And now I’ve spent like 4 hours over the past 2 days cleaning up all the files on my account, which was a PAIN in the BUTT, and reinstalling WordPress yet again. Hopefully it’s gone for good now.
19 weeks today! Wow.
Size of the Baby: 6 inches long and 8.5 ounces, i.e. a mango! It’s kind of hard to believe he/she is that big already.
Weight gain/loss: Same as last week, in the 9-10 pound range. No gain this week which I liked, but it also made me worry. I can’t win.
Maternity clothes: Today I’m wearing pants that haven’t fit in more than a year…because after I lost weight, they were so big that they actually fell down. Now they fit perfectly. On the one hand, I’m excited because I like this particular pair of pants. On the other hand, it’s hard to get TOO excited about fitting back into pants that had become too BIG instead of vice versa.
I still haven’t bought much in the way of maternity clothes overall. I’ve got 2 pairs of maternity work pants and a maternity pencil skirt, all from Gap. (And they really need to stock these items in more than just black and/or very dark gray. What about light gray? Brown? Khaki? Pinstripe? Hello?). I sewed myself a belly band so I can still wear my normal jeans. I bought a couple maternity shirts during an Old Navy sale, but I doubt I’ll wear them for at least another month since my belly just isn’t that big yet. I keep being tempted to buy more, but I know it’s smarter to just wait until I need it.
Sleep: After several weeks of pretty decent sleep, the past few nights have been less great. Lots of tossing and turning. If I stay on one side too long, my arm/shoulder falls asleep and wakes me up. It might be time to start thinking about getting one of those huge body pillows.
Movement: Insert exasperated sigh here, because I have no idea. Sometimes I think I’m feeling the baby, but then I decide it’s too regular (i.e. 3-4 times in a row) and too much in the same spot. So it’s probably just my heartbeat (which I can feel pretty often these days) or a muscle twitch. It’s not really helping matters that all the internet summaries for 19 weeks say you should be able to feel it by now. Stupid internet.
Best moment this week? There’s a woman I work with a couple times per year designing programs for two (now three) local pageants. I met her at Starbucks on Saturday to go over things for the Miss Houston program this year, and as we got up to leave she told me it looked like I’d lost weight. She doesn’t know I’m pregnant yet, so I just said “well, thanks!” The whole exchange made me laugh.
Also, this doesn’t qualify as a “best” moment but maybe a “most interesting” moment: I don’t really know how to explain this, but the upper part of my belly has been sticking out more. I know that’s not baby, since the baby is all still below my belly button at this point. So I googled how your internal organs shift during pregnancy and WHOA. That stuff is WEIRD. And my “upper belly” that’s now pooching out? It seems to be made up mostly of my small intestine getting displaced. Nice.
Food cravings: I’ve been drinking a lot of mocktails this week. A combination of orange juice, pineapple juice, grenadine and sprite is pretty tasty!
What I miss: Nothing really. Things are good!
What I’m looking forward to: My birthday! I’m definitely kicking things off by seeing The Hunger Games sometime this weekend. Other than that, I am getting SO impatient for our ultrasound. April 3. Only two more weeks, and to tide me over I have to go to the doctor next week for my 20-week checkup anyway. Only one more week until we get to hear the heartbeat again. And only two weeks until boy/girl determination day!
Milestones: The baby making leaps and bounds in the sensory development department and has arms and legs that are finally in proportion to the rest of its body. Hooray. As for us, I keep saying we have plenty of time, but at some point I guess I won’t be able to say that anymore!
I think the first item on our list is to visit a couple more daycares and pick one, since the JSC daycare is looking pretty full for a while. Once we know the gender, we’ll probably start thinking about the nursery more seriously and registering for stuff — not that the gender will really determine much of what we do on either of those fronts, but that seems to be around the right time to do those things anyway.
We’re pretty sure we already have an idea of what we want to do with the nursery, but the hard part is actually getting started. We have three bedrooms in addition to our master. One is currently our office/study, one is a guest room, and one has been a junk room since the day we moved into the house almost 3 years ago. The nursery will be in what’s currently the guest room, which means the guest room has to move to the junk room, which means the first step in the whole process is…cleaning out the junk room. Yuck.
chances are if its in the junk room, you can toss or donate. Seriously. If you havent needed it or used it since you moved in? Get rid of it.
Oh for sure, the vast majority of the stuff will be tossed or donated. But even doing that takes time. Ick.
I didn’t feel Isla til the 20 week ultrasound. Basically, I saw the baby kick on the ultrasound and the tech said, oh, I just *saw* her kick you. And I realized that those weird feelings I’d had for the past couple of weeks were actually kicks.
I didn’t feel Lily moving until 20ish weeks too, so don’t worry! Also, you should definitely get a body pillow – those are the best and make you so much more comfortable when you get to the point where you can’t lay on your stomach or back.
I couldn’t identify movement until I was at 24 weeks, because I had an anterior pl@centa (I think that’s correct), so basically a lot of the movement was “cushioned”. (Okay, probably I was feeling it before and just didn’t know it). (But there are some reasons why it can be later than what the internet says).
I know from the 12 week ultrasound that the placenta is in the back, so I don’t have the “cushioning” thing. But yeah, i’m not too worried at this point, even my doctor said 18 weeks at the earliest, and really more like 18-22. But it’d be nice to know if what I’m feeling is baby vs. muscle twitch vs. digestive gurgling.
Oh – regarding pillows, I never liked the body pillow, though lots of women swear by them. I liked just hugging a regular size pillow and having a second pillow between my knees. Having a pillow between my knees took the pressure off my back. Leaing into the hugging pillow helped me feel more like I was sleeping on my tummy like I do when I’m not pregnant.