Jose and I had a lovely “date night” at the Houston Symphony last night. I mentioned a couple weeks ago when we saw their encore performance of The Planets: An HD Odyssey that this weekend, they were premiering the sequel. Orbit: An HD Odyssey was just as great! It began with a montage of spectacular space shuttle launch footage set to a piece called “Short Ride in a Fast Machine.” (How appropriate! But it made me nostalgic for the space shuttle. Yep, already.) The second part was a much longer piece featuring tons of awesome footage of the Earth from space set to “Also Sprach Zarathustra.”
Orbit was all after intermission, but the first half of the performance also included Copland’s “Appalachian Spring” which I’ve always enjoyed, so that was nice too.
Overall it was a very nice evening. Tickets are a little too pricey to make it a monthly outing, but we really should go a couple times each season. It had been at least a year or two since we’d been to the symphony, and I’d forgotten how much I enjoy it!
If you’re not signed up for the Houston Symphon-e-news letter, I highly recommend it. We got $10 off each of our tickets thanks to a coupon code they emailed us. $25 each for orchestra seats. Granted, they were in row EE (2nd to last row), but they were pretty near center & we had a perfect view of everything. Not a bad deal! And they email discount deals like that all the time.
PS – it was great to bump into you after the show.