Size of the Baby: Navel orange. Now I’ve seen some small oranges, and I’ve seen some freaking gigantic oranges, so this really isn’t much help. I don’t know why all the websites don’t just stick with measurements! Which this week is about 4 inches.
Weight gain/loss: About 6 pounds so far. After last week’s moment of panic, I made an effort to eat healthier this week (which was aided by the fact that Valentine’s Day is finally past and we all stopped bringing treats to the office) and didn’t gain anything.
Maternity clothes: The two pairs of pants that I ordered last week from Gap arrived…but I think they’re too big? First of all, they ARE super comfortable. I mean, they are essentially elastic waist dress pants. Why am I not already wearing pants like this to work just for the comfort factor? But they are kind of baggy all over, and not the most flattering things. I wavered between two sizes when I was ordering, and decided to order the larger size, but I’m going to exchange them for a size smaller. Good thing I still have normal pants that fit.
Sleep: Still not great. I wake up at least once a night to pee, and after that, I never seem to sleep as soundly. I’ve tried to drink less in the evenings, but that’s tough too because I’m thirsty a LOT. The weird dreams have decreased though. And for the moment, I can still sleep on my stomach, though it’s starting to feel just a little odd so I don’t expect that to last much longer.
Movement: Nope, still too early I think, although I see occasional references to people feelings things in the 14-15 week time frame. But my doctor told me it’d be more like 18 weeks, maybe even later since it’s my first pregnancy. We’ll see.
Best moment this week? Telling the girls at book club (those who didn’t already know) that I’m officially the FOURTH preggo in book club. I was especially excited to tell my friend Katie, because I knew she’d be really excited, and she was.
Food cravings: I didn’t really crave anything this week, although with Valentine’s Day and the cake I made for book club, I ate enough chocolate for about 5 people.
What I miss: Running. And uninterrupted sleep.
What I’m looking forward to: My next doctor’s appointment on the 29th. I want to hear the heartbeat again for some reassurance, and then I’m going to announce it on “the internet.” I know it’s silly, but I’m kind of excited to put it online.
Milestones: Baby’s forming tastebuds! Oh, and apparently if I shine a light at my stomach it will react. Fun times — harassing my kid before it’s even born!
Ha ha – I WAS very excited when you shared the news!!!
You guys are going to be such great parents!