Man, the fall always seems to start off quick, and it only gathers speed as it rolls. Jose turned to me the other day and asked “wait, when did we go on our cruise?” It was three months ago already, but it feels like last week.
My mom texted me this photo of the Charlotte skyline as seen from her school this morning at 6:00 am which made me think three things:
1. Mom, why are you texting me at 6 am? Don’t you know I’m (hopefully) still asleep at 6 am?
2. We need to get my mom a better cell phone. Or at least a better camera on her cell phone. So really, yeah, a new cell phone.
3. I suppose December DOES mean that it’s actually WINTER in other parts of the country. Look at all those bare trees! I’ve barely seen an orange leaf down here. Though to be realistic, most of the leaves down here don’t really change color — they just kind of fade and then suddenly fall off the tree.
Happy December!
It was 7:00 our time!!! I wasn’t expecting you to see it when it came to you but when you woke up! It isn’t a good pic but it was really pretty w/ the sun shining on downtown and nothing else!