That’s how I feel these days. Like yesterday’s clouds. Scattered.
I love this time of year, as the weather cools off and the world seems to curl up and seek out somewhere warm and cozy. I love pulling out my sweaters and tights and boots. I love drinking hot chocolate in the evenings. I look forward to the holidays, and spending time with family and friends.
Have you ever had a time in your life where you felt like you were just waiting on things to happen? That’s where I am right now. It’s going to be an interesting winter. I’m not good at waiting and I’m far too impatient, but sometimes there’s no other choice because the decisions are out of my control. I can cook, sew, read, work on projects and watch bad TV to my heart’s content to distract myself, but in the end, I just have to wait.
(I’m being intentionally vague, and I apologize for that. If you’ve talked to me in real life recently, you probably know what’s going on.)
Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day so we’ve got a three-day weekend. A few girlfriends are taking a weekend trip to Arizona and I’m regretting that I didn’t join them; not because I didn’t want to, but because I just procrastinated and never bought a ticket. (How lame is that?) Fortunately there are fun things to be done here as well. I’m going to the Houston Ballet’s Nutcracker Market tomorrow for the first time, and I’m excited to see what kind of goodies I can find there! And last night I had my best run in ages, so I’m hoping the cool weather will continue through the weekend and allow me some more enjoyable runs.