Creepy face by Jose, “Kitty Bat” by me
Halloween was a rousing success at our house this year — perhaps TOO much of a success. When 6:30 came and went with only 2 tiny trick-or-treaters, I figured that we’d have a ton of candy left over. Apparently everyone was just waiting until the sun went down. By 7:15, we had to switch from giving out 2 pieces of candy per kid to only 1. I thought that would save us, since we still had 30-40 pieces of candy, but it didn’t. The last 6 kids who rang our doorbell ended up getting really lucky, because they got full-size candy bars from our own candy stash. By 7:40 there was officially no candy left in the house — fun-size or not — and we had to turn off our porch light.
I did leave our pumpkins lit up, so one more group rang the doorbell even though the light was off. When I told him we were out of candy, he asked if he could have the bowl. That made me laugh.
(We also had a Wolverine who tried to ring the doorbell with his claws, but couldn’t. I watched from inside, and that made me laugh too.)
I finally went out to blow out the jack-o-lantern candles around 9:00 and was treated to a thoroughly creepy howling concert from the neighborhood coyotes. I’ve heard them once before when Jose and I got up to see an early morning shuttle pass, but last night they were in rare form. Our neighbor thought it was a recording at first, but nope. Real live coyotes. They definitely got the memo that it was Halloween. You have to turn up the volume a bunch to hear it in the video below, but trust me — it was spooky.
[iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen]
So, toward the end of the night, we had a little kid and two older kids (like 4 years old and like two 10 year olds). The older kids were like “Give us the little kids candy, he’s allergic to candy!” I was like “haha, yeah right” and I tried to give the kid the candy. But then his mother turned up and said “no, really, he’s allergic to pretty much everything.” I was like “well, can I give him something else?” and she was like “he’s allergic to a lot of food, oh, and your puppy too, he probably belongs in a bubble” (and she shrugged). I felt awful. Anyway, I went inside and gave him my yoda bean bag toy, I was like “is he allergic to this?” and she thanked me. but he can’t have my candy bowl!
One year Joel and I left a bowl of candy out because we weren’t going to be there, and someone stole the bowl. So yes, people apparently do want the bowl.