Armadillos outside Mission Control
The end of the shuttle program has left me feeling rather melancholy. To be honest, I’ve been in a bit of a funk since we returned from vacation five weeks ago.
When I’m in a funk, I get the urge to do a number of random things in an attempt to break through the general feeling of bummed-out-ness. This time around, that list includes:
Taking a sewing class. I signed up for “Sewing 101” at Joann’s tomorrow night. I’m excited and I hope it’s fun.
Figuring out how to fix our edger. This involved overcoming the urge to just go out and buy a new one since despite two degrees in engineering, I have very little knowledge of how things actually work. I have been trying to fix this thing for a couple weeks now. We were actually standing in the aisle of Home Depot yesterday moments away from purchasing a new power head, but finally decided to have one more go at fixing the one that wouldn’t start. We bought a little kit to change the fuel filter and primer bulb — the one thing we hadn’t tried yet. In the process of that, we also discovered some gunk in a tiny filter in the carburetor. With the new filter and a gunk-less carburetor, the edger started!! I was so excited that I jumped up and down in the front yard, much to the amusement of our next-door neighbor.
Finally getting a quote on putting down wood floors in our family room, and look for a rug for the dining room. I haven’t actually gotten the quote yet, but I got a contractor recommendation which is a start. Apparently being in a funk makes me want to do things to the house?
There were four amadillos tonight.
Congrats on the edger success story.