I mentioned yesterday that when I’m wallowing, I get the urge to start checking things off random lists. Last week I took a look at my goals for 2011, since we’re now halfway through the year. I’m not doing very well, so it’s nice that I still have six months to go! I think I’ll print out this list and put it above my computer at home so that I’m reminded every time I’m in the office.
Finish my M.A. in Digital Media Studies. I’m technically halfway done in the sense that I registered for the class last semester and started work on my project. I’ll register for the second half this fall. But in terms of actual work done, I’m definitely behind. I’ve had some communication issues with my professor but hopefully those are now in the past. I’ve got a lot left to do, but I’m confident I can make it happen.
Make a budget. I started one, but didn’t get very far before I got distracted. No reason I can’t dig it up and finish it.
Around the house. I haven’t done the four things I listed, but we have done a number of other minor “home improvement” tasks so I’m going to give myself partial credit…for now.
Make our wedding album. No action here. The Digital Media Master’s project takes priority, so I honestly don’t know if I’ll get this done this year. We’ll see.
Read 18 books this year. I’ve already read 10! I’m ahead of schedule! Woot! My Kindle is helping, but it’s really just that I’m consciously trying to read more. I like to read but so often it gets shuffled to the bottom of the priority list.
Run 625 miles. I’m way behind on this due to a combination of reasons, some legitimate and some not. I totaled 194.4 miles through the end of June, with some biking and a few bouts of swimming thrown in. Trying to catch up would be a tall order, so I’m going to reset this goal starting now. New goal is to run 312.5 miles — fine, 313 to make it an even number — by the end of the year. It’s been SO freaking hot that I basically never want to run outside. Thankfully the treadmill still counts as running, although last night when I got to the Y, all 16 treadmills were occupied. Fifteen people were walking. Only one person was running. I guess it’s too hot even for walking.
I had to laugh at the fact that 15 of 16 people were walking on the treadmill. I think I have forgotten what it is like to live where it can be so hot outside that you can’t reasonably exercise outdoors.
I know people have just as much of a right to walk on the treadmill as run…but it still bugs me. The heat has been awful this year.
I say progress towards goals only ends when you completely forget about them, which you never seem to do! Love the picture, by the way.