So you may have noticed if you follow me on Twitter that there was big news yesterday:
Yes, after 148 straight days with only the faintest traces of precipitation — a new record by far — we finally got some solid thunderstorms. Heck, I can’t even remember the last time we had a cloudy day, much less a good hard rain. As an added bonus, the cloud cover finally gave us a brief respite from the never-ending string of 100+ degree heat index days.
I eagerly checked the rain gauge on our backyard fence as soon as I got home from work and was jumping with joy to see that we got nearly 2 inches at our house. Of course this doesn’t do much for the overall drought down here, as we’re still far below normal rainfall for the year. (We got something like 0.1 inches of rain in all of April and May, which are usually the two wettest months.) I know it’s probably my imagination, but I swear things already look greener.
In other news, I was sore in all sorts of places after swimming on Monday night. A long layoff from swimming may not make me any slower, but it sure does mean that my muscles don’t remember what it’s like to pull through the water. And I forgot how much you use your core muscles when swimming — even my midsection was sore yesterday.Yet another sign that I should swim more often.
If you’re up for swimming at the CLRC instead of the Y, I’d be up for going for a swim on the occasional evening..