I mentioned a few weeks ago that I’ve been thinking more about photography lately. I don’t want to maintain a regular, separate photoblog so I’m going to start throwing in posts here from time to time whenever I don’t have much to say but have pretty photos to share. They’ll all be filed in a new “Photoblog” category.
Back in December or January, Jose planted some tulip bulbs in a pot on the back patio. They bloomed in late March and were absolutely lovely. I’m not sure what we have to do to get them to bloom again next year. Freeze the bulbs? I’ll have to do some research on that.
Very pretty!
We have had a completely sucky and cold spring here in the Northwest. But yesterday it was actually sunny and some of my tulips started blooming and that made me happy! I think my grass also grew about an inch just because the sun came out.
I don’t know what you have to do to make tulips bloom again because I just leave mine in the ground. I think with most bulbs you can dig them up, dry them out, store them in a dry/cool place, and then replant.
Yay for Sarah photography!
I just leave mine in the ground. I’m not sure that’s the best policy officially though. So far they’ve done fine.