Here’s the last of the three cooking posts. It’s just as well that I had these, because it was a pretty quiet weekend. We watched a lot of stuff off the DVR. Both Survivor and The Amazing Race have started again. Woo! I’ve also started watching Glee. The show pretty much sucks with the large exception of the singing, so it’s a great show to have on in the background while you do something else. Watch the singing numbers then ignore the phony teen drama!
Anyway — so on Saturday I made a “Layered Frozen Mousse Pie” to take to a little party we went to that night. It happened rather spontaneously when I noticed this bag of chips that had been sitting in the pantry for a while.
This recipe came straight off the back of the bag, and it’s on their website if you’d like to make it yourself. I used a store-bought chocolate crumb pie crust, and the bottom layer is just a pint of vanilla ice cream that you left soften, mix with some mint chips, and refreeze.
The top layer is a chocolate mousse you make by melting the rest of the mint chips, adding a couple egg yolks, and mixing that with a bunch of whipped cream.
That layer goes on top of the ice cream layer and the whole thing goes back in the freezer. Obviously you have to keep it cold or the ice cream layer will melt, but that’s no big deal. It was super easy, and super yummy.
I love all these cooking posts and this one is going in my bookmarks.