So the Houston half marathon is Sunday!
In a weird way it kind of snuck up on me, even though since the event is normally on MLK weekend, it’s actually two weeks later than usual this year. This will be the 8th year I’ve participated in this event — 1 Houston marathon and 7 Houston half marathons. Each year is a little different but overall I look forward to running each year. The lottery system they implemented for registration this year was controversial, and I’m not a fan…but I’m still glad I got in and get to run. I would have been very disappointed to miss it.
My training since setting my huge PR at RunGirl has been so-so. For a number of reasons that I don’t feel like getting into, I’ve missed a lot of the workouts I’d planned to complete. Ironically, in the past two weeks while I’ve missed a number of workouts, I’ve also lost 3 pounds. Someone feel free to explain THAT one to me.
Anyway, I don’t expect to beat my RunGirl time. However, I DO fully expect to run my fastest Houston Half ever — something under 2:15, or 10:17 pace — as long as the weather cooperates. At the moment, the forecast is calling for temperatures in the mid-50s with a 60% chance of rain. That’s a little too warm and a little too WET.
If it’s raining, any time goals immediately get thrown out the window and I won’t be looking to do anything but finish. (Oh, and make sure Jose is waiting at the end with a bag of warm, dry clothes!)
Good luck this weekend! I will probably be out there in a few different places on the course.
losing weight when one slows down or completely quits exercising is actually the norm. u lose muscle first off and second of all what muscles that are there, dont retain the water like they do when one is strenuous. same thing happens to me every time. and you should notice that when you do start up again, you will gain a lb or 3.
Good luck!
You know, once you get going, I find rain does not affect me negatively when racing. Heat, on the other hand, is the kiss of death. Give me rain any day! (For a race that is.)
Jen, you forget that Houston rain is not the same as Seattle rain.
Nah, if it’s light rain it shouldn’t be too bad, but if it’s a typical Houston storm it could get ugly.
June, you’re totally right. I did better with my workouts this week and “gained back” 2 pounds. C’est la vie!