What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it?
I make dinner or bake desserts on a regular basis, but the question reads more like arts and crafts. I’ve always loved arts and crafts. When I was a kid, I entered countless coloring contests and took many art lessons. I drew pictures and made things out of popsicle sticks. I wanted to be an art teacher and a Disney animator. But then I became an engineer. My love of arts and crafts is still strong today, but most of the things I create are digital and involve using a computer screen instead of my own two hands.
The last thing I can recall really MAKING was a bouquet of paper flowers. It was the middle of August, and I’d gotten the “poppies” flower kit from a recent visit to the Paper Source store up in town. One night I finally decided to start working on it, and a couple days later I had finished the whole bouquet. The flower petals are crepe paper, the middle is construction paper, and the stems are floral wire. Elmer’s glue tied each flower together. Overall, they didn’t turn out half bad. I put them in a $2 vase and they currently sit on the table in our foyer.
I always say that I want to do more crafty things, but I don’t. I suppose it’s just like when I say I want to read more books, then spend a string of evenings surfing the internet instead. Last year after I finished the Christmas cross stitch (which is hanging up again this month), I started another cross stitch project…that is still unfinished. I’d like to get that one done.
But the crafty thing that’s really been on my mind lately is sewing. I’d like to make a couple things for the house — a table runner, perhaps some curtains — as well as a few things for myself. I could buy those things, of course, but I do have the itch to be crafty. I’ve done some research on sewing machines lately so we’ll see.
This month, I’m participating in Reverb10, which charges you to “reflect on your year and manifest what’s next.” There’s a different prompt every day.
i use to be a cross stitching maniac! this was back in the early 90’s :O) I should pick it up again.