What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?
Writing? Like blog writing? ‘Cause I’m not a writer and my blog is just for fun. So I’m gonna turn this one into “what do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your life?”
There are 2 activities that I fall into mindlessly on a regular basis that suck up a lot of time — watching TV and catching up with my Google Reader feeds/surfing the internet. It’s not a productive use of my time. I don’t really like saying “it’s not productive” because that implies that I feel a need to be productive all the time, and I don’t. I fully recognize the value of being a couch potato from time to time. And some evenings I really just WANT to be a couch potato. But more often, I come home with something on my mind that I want to do — whether it’s work on a project, read a book, run an errand, do something crafty — and the next thing I know? It’s 10:30, the whole night has passed, I haven’t really done anything and I’m frustrated at wasting an evening.
The thing is, I don’t want to eliminate TV or the internet entirely. There are shows and blogs that I look forward to watching and reading. But I do want to eliminate the “mindless” aspect of it. Instead of watching whatever happens to be on, I want to get in the habit of watching the specific show I like or that I recorded and then move on to something else. Instead of skimming through hundreds of blog posts, not even looking at a lot of them except to make sure they get marked as “read,” I want to pare it down to only the posts I’m truly interested in.
I think what I’m really getting at is that my current signal-to-noise ratio is too low. Too much noise, not enough signal. Too much quantity, not enough quality.
This month, I’m participating in Reverb10, which charges you to “reflect on your year and manifest what’s next.” There’s a different prompt every day.
Only watch what you’ve Tivo’d. Works for me.
I agree with this. I find that I usually enjoy what I’ve TIVOed and any additional TV is usually mindless.
I used to read a lot of blogs, and it took up a fair amount of time, and I really didn’t enjoy most of them that much. Maybe you should shorten your blog list? Nowadays, I only read a very small number, mostly people I know, and I really don’t miss the ones I used to read.
As for TV, I don’t know what you should do about that. As I write this, I’m surfing the net AND watching TV. So maybe I should stop giving advice.
and Facebook. i waste too much time on that.
i think i might give it up for Lent.