I saw a couple other bloggers post about Reverb10, which charges you to “reflect on your year and manifest what’s next.” It sounded interesting enough that I’m going to give it a go. There’s a different prompt every day. I reserve the right to combine multiple days into one post (so that my blog doesn’t become just another internet meme) or skip prompts entirely. Here we go…
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word.
Content. This year has really flown past — I still cannot believe it’s December! — and I really can’t complain. When I think about 2010, nothing really stands out. That sounds rather depressing, but I don’t mean it that way at all. See, 2009 was crazy busy between getting married and moving into a new house and lots of other activity. This year, I got to enjoy the result of all that! I celebrated my first anniversary with my wonderful husband and spent a full year thoroughly enjoying our first house. We did some traveling, spent lots of time with family and friends, and generally went with the flow. It felt good. I am content.
Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
Advancement. (I was going to say “moving forward” but that’s 2 words!) I’ve got a lot of lofty goals for 2011, both personal and professional, to keep life rolling along in new and exciting ways. I don’t know if they are all totally within my control, but that only makes it more challenging, right?