I’ve been in some kind of weird homemaker/nesting mood lately because I keep piling cleaning and organizing tasks onto my to-do list. And yet I’m lazy about actually DOING many of the items on my list. I blame the weather — and the evening darkness — which both make me want to curl up in a ball on the couch…even though then I just feel guilty about lying around when there are so many other things I could be doing. It really IS starting to seem a bit absurd that we’ve lived in the house for almost a year and a half, yet have boxes sitting around that we haven’t opened since we moved. Here’s my current list:
- Get my car checked out because it’s making a squealing/squeaking sound
- Get the headliner in my Xterra re-done (that’s the foamy fabric on the ceiling, which is falling down)
- Clean up the study (which is a total disaster area at the moment)
- Print out some freaking wedding photos already!
- Rearrange my dresser drawers to make some space for Jose’s clothes (I am seriously hogging all the space)
- Clean out the master bedroom closet (see above)
- Take 2 huge boxes of books to Half Price Books
- Take a big pile of stuff in the garage to Goodwill
- Clean out the third bedroom so it can be used as something besides a junk room
- Mow the lawn one more time (necessary although it’s not growing anymore)
- Take a huge bin full of glass to the recycling center (since the city won’t pick up glass)
- Clean out my jewelry box
- Plant all the flower bulbs we got at Lowe’s a few weeks ago
- Finish cleaning up the garage (so that a car or two could actually fit in there)
- Set up the tree spotlights that go with our flower bed lighting
- Clean out the pantry, which has become a chaotic mess of various food items
- Clean up the laundry room, where miscellaneous items have been sitting on top of the dryer for months