A few days ago, one of my coworkers forwarded an article about the social media savviness of various government agencies, political organizations and nonprofits. NASA ranks #1 on the list, and the first paragraph of the article made me laugh out loud:
If organizations that used Facebook to disseminate their message were actual people, NASA would be the captain of the football team and the class president, the White House would be his cheerleader girlfriend and the the Department of Commerce would be the nerd they both pushed into a locker, according to a new study from George Washington University.
Even better were the responses that flowed into my inbox following the forward:
Original Sender: #damnright
Coworker #2: Dave, thanks for making us number 1. Way to go Tech Lead!!!
Coworker #3: Remind me what that alleged “Social Media” thing is.
Original Sender: It’s something you can’t really mess with on your old and busted Touch Pro 2.
Coworker #4: It’s a new vector for spreading social diseases, like computer viruses.
Manager in the Division Office: It’s a rough count of how many imaginary friends you have…
Coworker #5: Whomever has the most of those winz the internet right?