Last night Jose and I went to our first Rockets game of the season thanks to a sweet deal from Groupon. We got $75 seats for only $41 plus a free t-shirt! The seats turned out to be pretty darn good — the best I’ve ever had at a Rockets game — and the t-shirt was actually pretty high quality, nice and simple and not a single sponsor logo to be found. All in all, this Groupon was a big win in my book. We were in the corner on row 14. It was close enough to see the players’ faces when they complained to the referees! (And man, there is a LOT of complaining in basketball.)
We didn’t end up buying a ticket package for this season like we had last year, and with the way the Rockets are playing so far I have to admit I’m not really regretting that decision. In other words, they’ve been sucking so far. Yao Ming is eternally nursing some kind of injury, Aaron Brooks is out with a sprained ankle, etc. They’re 3-10. They’re incredibly inconsistent. Last night, they went down by double digits multiple times, only to claw their way back, only to go down AGAIN. Pretty maddening to watch as a fan.
At least there was entertainment before and after the game. This is a horrible photo, but I have to share it anyway. Most events downtown are covered by the pedicab guys — you know, the guys on bikes that will cart you around like your own personal chariot. (Side note: the article I linked to is an entertaining read.) They’re always coming up to you as you park and asking if they can take you to the arena. I’ve never actually used one, but the guy in the photo above almost convinced me. His pedicab was lined with lights like a Christmas tree AND he had a set of speakers hooked up to an iPod playing music — it was the most pimped out pedicab I’ve ever seen in my life, and it seriously entertained me.
We’re in your self portrait (row 22) although I don’t see us. That was me hollering “nooooooooooooo” every time Shane thought about jacking up a three.
Highlight of the evening might have been the dude not working out where ST——- was.