Last night, Jose and I went downtown to the House of Blues to see Rodrigo y Gabriela. How to describe them? I don’t really know. An acoustic guitar duo? Sounds too boring. Heavy metal inspired? Sounds too one-note. Flamenco rock? That’s getting closer… I first heard them, randomly, on David Letterman one night almost four years ago. They were amazing, and we couldn’t turn down the chance to see them on their first-ever trip to Houston.
They did not disappoint and were totally AWESOME. The House of Blues is a great venue because it’s pretty small, so you’re close to the stage and can really see the musicians (instead of watching them on a jumbotron despite being in the arena, like concerts at the big venues). On our way home, I just kept exclaiming to Jose that I don’t understand how they do that. Seriously. I don’t understand how it’s physically possible to move your hands that fast on a guitar. Gabriela especially was insane — her hand was a blur as she thumped it on the guitar to provide the rhythm.
Here are two short iPhone videos for you to enjoy. (There was an extremely enthusiastic fan standing just in front of us, hence all the arm waving.) You should buy their albums immediately.
I’m sorry I missed them. I saw them the time they were on Letterman all those years ago and they were on Craig Ferguson more recently. I would have loved to see them in person but I didn’t even know they were in town because life is just that hectic right now. Glad you got to see them.
Wow, you were downstairs, so must have arrived when the doors opened, stood waiting for an hour then stood through the concert. Obviously reaped the benefits but, dang, we’re too old for that. For Asia two weekends ago we were comfy in our seats upstairs
We almost got seats upstairs, but it said they were “partially or completely obscured” so we passed on that. We didn’t get there that early, actually. About 45 minutes after the doors opened, and 15 minutes before the opening act started.
I downloaded one of their songs yesterday & enjoyed listening to it at work.