These are the things I’m pondering today:
- How can I have a dozen personal projects on my plate, yet not know where to start?
- Why do I feel so tired when I just got back from a vacation where I slept as much as I wanted?
- How can I be expected to work with massive construction noise going on right outside my office window?
- Related: What the heck are they installing on the ledge, anyway?
- Why can I not keep track of where my parents are, and thus call their home phone when they’re in Seattle visiting my sister?
- Why does bug spray feel like it’s burning my skin when I go for a run?
- Related: Why must mosquitoes exist in the first place?
- Why is the foam on the ceiling of my Xterra already peeling off when the car is only 6 years old?
- Is there anything wrong with our house that necessitates a home warranty claim, before the warranty expires on Friday?
- Related: Why do I love my house SO MUCH?
- What would I have to do to get more vacation days?
Easy just put aside all the other things you have to do and work on the GT AE Viewbook, and finish your master’s degree all at once.