Bunny in the Backyard
We should probably mow our backyard. The grass is getting pretty tall, and the weeds are even taller. We mow the front yard regularly, but only tackle the back every other time or so, since the cursed Homeowner’s Association doesn’t see it, and therefore can’t send us a letter telling us to cut it. (I should mention that thus far, we have had no issues with our HOA. But after years of hearing my friends complain about theirs, and hearing horror stories from various places in Texas, I am wary of the HOA just on principle.)
In any case, the bunnies seem to like it.
It’s cool the way Flickr shows all the EXIF data.
Your bunnies look a lot like the snowshoe hares we saw in AK, funnily enough.
Yeah, I thought that too! This guy was pretty small though.
I had to do some adjustments in post-processing to make the photo less washed out. I took it through a window, and the colors were dull because the window was grimy.