I’m in the first day of a three-day class about Simulink and Stateflow. Those are two software/coding/simulation tools that have gotten a lot of use around NASA lately as we are (or were) designing flight software for a new vehicle. They’re part of Matlab, which is a coding language I used extensively in my old job down the hall, but haven’t touched in the four years since I moved to the Rendezvous office.
I’m encouraged to find that I haven’t completely forgotten all of my Matlab skills, and that I’m pretty good at picking up Simulink. Simulink is all visual — as in, you drag blocks around that represent equations and functions and inputs and outputs — and I’m pretty good with all things visual.
I’m not really sure why I’m in this class except for the fact that they needed a civil servant to meet their headcount requirements. (As a cynical aside, the fact that I’m a civil servant seems to be all I’m good for these days.) I don’t have any immediate use for these skills. But it’s been more fun so far than I thought, and it’s always good to have a new skill. Right???
Now for a complete topic shift, and to give the non-engineers reading this something that they actually care about, I will show you what I made for dinner last night: Pioneer Woman’s meatloaf. I haven’t had meatloaf in a very long time, and after we finished, Jose said “that was major comfort food.” And it was. Meatloaf with a side of potatoes.
Meatloaf is totally easy to make. You just put everything in a bowl and mash it up. We were generous with the parsley, yet I still wish we’d added more.\
In addition to that stuff above (meat and cheese and spices), you also add eggs and bread soaked in milk. Then you get to mush everything together, which is easiest to do if you use your hands. I suppose this part would suck if you don’t like touching meat. I’m not a huge fan of touching raw chicken, but for some reason ground beef really doesn’t bother me.
The only hitch was that I couldn’t find my loaf pan. I KNOW I used to have a blue pyrex bread pan. It matched the blue pyrex baking dishes I have in 2 different sizes. But last night it was nowhere to be found, and the only thing Jose could find was a small aluminum loaf pan that was not nearly big enough for all that meat. Let’s just say we will be eating meatloaf for the next couple days as leftovers. See, something I have quickly realized is that Pioneer Woman’s recipes make a TON of food. Enough to feed her family of 6 plus a few guests, I suppose. I really need to start cutting them in half.
So we used one of the baking dishes and had “meatloaf brownies.” That picture shows the situation after I’d covered half the meatloaf brownies in sauce. Don’t worry, I finished covering it with sauce before I baked them.
Meatloaf brownies. Try it.
If meatloaf brownies aren’t your thing and you don’t have the right pan… You can mold it up into the correct shape and then wrap it in tin foil to bake it. That’s what my mom always did.
What do you think of Stateflow? I tend to prefer Embedded Matlab for sequencing as I’ve found Stateflow to be a little unstable (lots of sim crashes since we started using it). It also costs $4K *per person* for a license.
Jen, yesterday & today were Simulink, we do Stateflow tomorrow (Thursday). I’ll let you know.
With Simulink, I agree, in a lot of cases it’s easier for me to just embed Matlab functions since I know how to program in Matlab. But I’m forcing myself to do it in Simulink to learn it. We’ll see if it becomes more natural.
Don’t know anything about the cost of licenses, but I guess NASA is paying for some. From what I understand (and my understanding is not great), Orion flight software was going to be done in Simulink & Stateflow and then autocoded.
No comment on what I think of THAT idea…