Back in late October, I almost bought a Nintendo Wii completely on impulse. As I was reaching for it, I decided for some reason that a video game system was not something I should buy just because I happened to feel like it that day. Instead, I randomly decided then and there that I would use the Wii as motivation to lose some weight. I set a goal weight that was 8 pounds away. Large enough that it would take effort, but small enough that it wouldn’t take forever and ever to get there.
(Don’t ask me why I had a sudden flash of rational thought in regards to this particular item, because I have absolutely no idea. I’m a horrible impulse buyer. I can justify almost anything!)
As I think I’ve alluded to already in recent months, I didn’t do anything drastic. I didn’t cut anything out of my diet, mainly because my willpower is just not quite that strong. That willpower IS strong enough, however, to watch portion sizes, cook at home more often, bring my lunch to work instead of eat from the cafeteria, and avoid french fries and cookies….at least avoid them most of the time. I’m still a Starbucks addict and refused to give that up, but since my drink of choice is only 130 calories, I declare that my skinny cinnamon dolce latte is acceptable!
I weigh myself every day, despite having read lots of advice over the years that says you shouldn’t weight yourself more than once a week. I chalk that up as being applicable to people whose mood and opinion is greatly influenced by what they see on the scale, since weighing yourself every day means you will absolutely see fluctuations. I can be 2-3 pounds heavier one morning than I was the morning before, or will be the morning after. I know this, and it doesn’t worry me, because I just monitor the overall trend.
Last week, I saw the number I’ve been looking for! 8 pounds down! I’ve now been at that number or just under for 5 or 6 of the last 8 days. I’m calling it. I did it! Woo!
Except now I’m not sure I actually want the Wii. I think I might rather have a fancy camera bag from here or here or here or here. I’ve been ogling them all lately as I consider getting something to replace my old Crumpler bag. (The Crumpler bag has been great, but it’s slightly too small, doesn’t have a good spot for “purse stuff” like my wallet and keys, and has a shoulder strap that is too bulky and stiff.)
I’ve also considered buying myself a sewing machine instead, but I don’t think I have the time to learn how to use it right now. Perhaps that would be a good reward for later this year, since my ultimate goal — i.e. get back to where I was 5 years ago — is still 10-15 pounds away!
Some of those bags look like they would be a little bulky when filled with heavy camera equipment. I like the “ginger” on the first page though.
By the way, why are you avoiding French friends ?
Had family from out of town over this past weekend. Let me say this, thanks to Wii Bowling, onbe of the best family gatherings ever. Totally worth the investment.
sarah: congrats! i do the same thing; wait till i see a consistency in the amount lost before ‘calling’ it!
i could never ever weigh myself every day…drives me bonkers to see the fluctuation. and if it reads the SAME 2 weeks in a row and i dont like the number, then i adjust…
i would so not get a Wii; its spring and summer! way to many things to do outside instead of cooped up inthe house!
Haha — french friends. I fixed the typo.
Congrats on the weight loss! I’ve been trying to lose the “marriage 8.” Not there yet. I weigh myself every day when I finish my run since we have a real scale at work.
Anyway, I have a Crumpler bag, too, and I have to say I’m not really a fan. It cost way too much for the amount of use I get out of it.
You’ve mentioned the sewing thing before, and I have to say, I’m not sure it’s such a great idea. i used to sew a lot in high school and if you have a decent salary, I think you’re better off buying what you want. Knitting, I find fun, but sewing can be really tedious. It’s lots of cutting, and pinning – lots of pinning – and as far as clothes go, there just aren’t that many cute patterns out there because sewing isn’t very popular. For non-clothes stuff maybe it’s fun, but I’d definitely recommend against getting a sewing machine to make your own clothes.
Though, I know Virginia (Daniel’s wife) sews some really cute stuff for Henry. But you don’t have a child to sew for.
I can’t remember if you have an iPhone, but there is an app called True Weight that I use partly because of your advice about weight fluctuation. You basically enter your weight everyday, but it decides what it thinks your true weight is because of the fluctuations. Too bad that the fluctuation has been up, up, up lately, but I’ll get back on the wagon after Spring Break.
I use my sewing machine a decent amount for quilts and other little projects. You can borrow it on occasion when you want to, or come over and use it, so you don’t have to buy one yours