I complain about this race every year, yet I continue to run it. That’s because it’s one of the best values around — for $30, you get to run a race AND you get a ticket to that evening’s basketball game. The tickets were actually pretty good too. It’s the first time I’ve ever sat on the lower level for basketball, and it made a big difference.
John, Melissa, Jose and Kelly shivering pre-race
But when John and Kelly went to packet pickup on Saturday (where they kindly picked up our packets as well), they had to wait 45 MINUTES in line. To pick up their race packet. That’s just absurd. I can’t recall ever having to wait in line more than 5 minutes at any of the hundreds of races I’ve done…except for this one. And it happens every year. Inexcusable.
Jose & me after the race
And when it was 38 degrees outside on Sunday morning, everyone had to mill around outside because the doors to the Toyota Center were either locked or guarded. No one was allowed inside, where it was warm, before the race. Keep in mind that the race ENDS on the basketball court and people are funneled through the concourse after the race (to the post-race party, which is also outside in the cold). But they can’t let people in before the race to keep warm until the start time? Also inexcusable.
And when Jose went to demonstrate the “power pose” he created that morning under the basket, the dude next to him worried warned him not to jump up at the basket. Does he seriously think that Jose can even reach the basket (which maybe he can, but in that case, DANG JOSE, YOU CAN JUMP)? And does he seriously think that even if Jose does reach the basket, that he’s going to somehow damage the rim when 6’8″ 250+ pound basketball players can dunk on it regularly without it breaking?
Anyway, all stupidity on the Toyota Center’s part aside, we had fun and enjoyed our tickets to the game that night. I ran with Jose and am proud of him for doing it — I don’t think he’d run 3 miles since the Rockets Run LAST year. After the race, we all came back to Clear Lake and went to breakfast at The Egg and I. Yum!
That is messed up. Dallas White Rock starts and ends outside American Airlines Center. But the facility is open pre-race and that’s where the party is post race.
I heard they had to start having the post race party outside because the teams have to practice inside and the party kept ending so late that they couldn’t get the court ready for them in time. Either way, wish packet pick up was more organized. Guess that’s why they run a basketball team and not a fun run business.
I don’t think I ever did the Rockets Run. I did the Run for the Pennant (or whatever they called the Astros run) one year, and it was great. Well, actually, the course was hard — there was at least one big exit/entrance ramp — and it was really hot that day. But you got two tickets to an Astros game. What made it great, though, were the age group awards — I got four Astros hats, some other stuff, and FOUR BOX SEATS to a game for finishing second or third in my AG. Face value of the tickets was something like $50 each. I was pretty impressed–it was a sweet deal.
Dang, those are some awesome prizes, Erin! Now if only I can figure out a way to win my age group…