At lunch today, Becca pointed out that there are only two more weeks until Christmas. That threw me for a loop. Sometimes I feel like 2009 just started a few days ago. It has really been a crazy year. Crazy GOOD, but crazy nonetheless.
Last night I was stuck in the car for longer than I’d planned on my way to book club at Liz’s house. I still have this idea in my head that I should be able to get anywhere in the Clear Lake area (and by that I mean from my house on the west side of League City all the way to their house near Ellington) in 20 minutes or less. This really isn’t possible, especially at 6:00 when the highway is clogged with traffic in both directions. And yet I still think “oh, 6:30? I’ll leave at 6:10. That’ll be PLENTY of time.
So like I was saying, I was stuck in the car in the 10-mph stop-and-go traffic on the highway. But I discovered that XM has a holiday music station! Multiple stations, in fact. This will make driving for the next two weeks much more pleasant. It’s hard to feel much road rage when there is cheery music on the radio. If only I could use the holiday music trick year-round.
My mother- and brother-in-law are coming up this weekend. It was a last minute decision, since Alex didn’t find out until yesterday that he had two days off in a row, so I’ll be doing some quick house cleaning when I get home after work. Our kitchen island is kind of a disaster area. And the dining room table.
At least the Christmas decorations are finally done, although I must confess that it was not without incident. You see, I have a small collection of space-themed Christmas ornaments — a space shuttle, John Glenn’s Mercury capsule, a Mercury rocket launching, a moon rover, etc. And some of these light up and/or make sound. They get their power from being plugged into the string of Christmas lights on the tree. And this year Jose and I bought some fancy-schmancy LED lights. Because they’re really bright and they use a lot less power. Let me repeat that: LESS POWER.
They don’t provide enough power for my light and sound-producing ornaments! Disaster! I still haven’t figured out what to do about this, short of buying a non-LED string of lights to throw into the middle of the tree. Although Karen’s idea of making mini battery packs could be entertaining…
this week has dragged on like no other in recent memory
This is probably my fault. My concert is Monday and I’ve been begging for a time machine to make this week fly by. Instead as you said it has dragged by at a glacial speed. And it’s still not Monday!
As for the space ornaments you could probably eventually have a second little tree around your house. Most people that have houses eventually have a little tree with specialty ornaments.
The house pictures on Flickr look great!