We got a package in the mail yesterday from my mother-in-law. It was full of Halloween candy! Jose obviously didn’t send her the memo that I’m trying to eat more healthily.
Also not helping my healthy kick was the batch of baking I did last weekend. I made one batch of chocolate/peanut butter chip cookies on Friday after Jose looked at me in his most convincing way after dinner and said “don’t you want to make some cookies?” (The chips were chocolate/peanut butter; the cookies were normal. Just so we’re clear.) They were quite tasty but I only ate a couple of them. We gave some onto Meryl and James when they came down on Saturday and Jose took the rest to work this week.
But then of course on Sunday it was time to make my annual owl cookies for Halloween!
They turned out tasty as usual. I brought most of them to work on Monday morning, and before I’d even had a chance to send out an email announcing their arrival, Becca marched into my office demanding a cookie based solely on seeing the picture on Flickr and Facebook. Social media at work! The last two cookies were gobbled up this morning by 10:00. Good thing I kept a stash of about 10 cookies at home for Jose and me.
I’m TOTALLY excited for Halloween this year because we now have a house, which means we’ll have trick-or-treaters! My mom always gave out owl cookies as treats, but everyone in the neighborhood knew her. I’d love to be able to give out cookies, but we don’t know most of our neighbors yet and I figure the cookies would all get thrown away uneaten.
Did you know there’s never actually been a case of “stranger” poisoning at halloween? the only confirmed incident is an uncle poisoning his nephew. Its stupid that you can’t give out cookies.
So have fun. If you really want to meet your neighbors, set up lawn chairs outside and hand out candy from the chairs, fill a cooler with beer and offer the adults some treatsa too, it really made a difference at least at our house.
I am sure your first Halloween at home will be fun.
But… don’t get your hopes too high. My first 4 years, I barely got any tricker treaters and had extra candy. Just a little wave of people right around sunset. When we were kids, my mom would “release” us into the wild, on our own or with older friends, and we would fill up pillow cases. Now, all the tricker treaters seem to travel with parents, and their stamina I think is a lot shorter. Anyway, most of my neighbors say they only cover a block or two with their kids. I probably only have a dozen kids within a block or two of my house…
Now the last few years, though, have really heated up. We’ve gotten some really fun neighbors that throw a block party at the end of the cul-du-saq for Halloween and stay out there all night, and the people across the street make a haunted house in their garage complete with “adult” beverages for parents to consume while their kids wait. It is a lot more festive, though we don’t get many more tricker treaters than we did before. Probably a couple dozen.
Anyway, the point is, Halloween can be VERY variable! But still its always better in a real house with real kids for neighbors than it ever will be in an apartment