It is really amazing what a sparkling new kitchen can do for one’s cooking. It is a lot more fun to cook now that we have plenty of room to spread out and quality appliances to use. The gas stove boils water in like 3 minutes! When we bake things in the oven, we don’t have to subtract 5 minutes or more off the cooking time because the oven runs so hot! One person can prepare food on the island while the other person cooks at the stove — and we don’t run into each other! Amazing.

On Sunday night, Jose and I made crab cakes from a recipe he looked up online. They were very easy, and quite tasty! I leave the recipe-finding to Jose, and he has yet to steer us wrong.
We’ve decided to start naming our recipes based on what was going on at the time we made them after seeing a restaurant featured on the Food Network that had crazily-named dishes. On Saturday night, we had grilled cheese made with Hawaiian sweet bread and an Italian blend of cheeses (I needed a quick dinner before going to work). That’s now called “The Overnighter.” The crab cakes are now known as “Jerry Called a Flyout” based on what was happening on the Rendezvous console during the shuttle rendezvous, which we were watching on NASA TV as we cooked and ate.
We might just get the hang of this cooking thing yet…
Hmmm, I seemed to have missed my invitation to this crab cake feast…