We had another “grand opening” this weekend for a bunch of our friends. A handful of people couldn’t make it, but the dozen who did had a good time (I hope!) eating and talking and playing video games and enjoying our new house. Unfortunately I didn’t take a single picture, so you’ll just have to trust me that it was fun.
I think we need to invite people over at least once a month, because it’s great motivation for getting things done around the house. We finished painting our dining room on Saturday morning and hung a couple things on the walls, and it looks great. Next up: finishing the paint in the kitchen!
In other news, I got my hair cut on Saturday. It was as long as it’s been in probably my entire life and was starting to drive me a little crazy. Despite Jose’s protests since he liked my long hair, I got 6 inches chopped off. The good news is that I like it — and so does he, especially when it was styled nicely on Saturday! I really need to figure out how to effectively use a blowdryer. I’m 31 years old but can’t style my hair, which is kind of pathetic.
We have a cleaning lady who comes every other week, meaning that every other week we have to pick up the place so she can clean. I think that deadline alone is worth having her come.
Ditto, Karen!
I’m telling you, Sarah, get a chi! You can blow dry it every which way and make it look good in 5-10 more minutes.