So I did a little more cleaning up and throwing out last night. Jose laughs at me because whenever I find a piece of headgear, I always put it on. In the past, I’ve ended up wearing winter hats in July and walking around the house with bee ears and devil horns (not at the same time though; that would be weird). That’s how I ended up running around last night wearing both the hat I got in Peru in 2004 and my graduation robes from Stanford in 2002. Since it was grad school, my robe had those crazy awesome sleeves, and a hood. Fun times.
For the record, I kept both of these items.
My hat from Peru is REALLY warm. I’m surprised you could stand wearing all that – it hasn’t been that cool out.
Cute picture. I think I still have mine too. It’s not like I’ll wear it again, but I hate to get rid of it you know?
Yeah, Jen, I was actually about to throw it away, but Jose convinced me I should keep it. Said he wished he still had his…