A question: do I paint the inside of the window “boxes” when I’m painting a room? What I mean is that I don’t know whether to stop the paint at the edges of the windows, or carry the paint into the 3-inch deep “box” that the window is set in. It would be easier to not carry it into the window box, but I wonder if that would look strange.
Related: Rounded sheetrock corners look nice, but they make it difficult to get a nice straight line where the paint color of one room ends and another begins.
So we’ve begun painting the large family room + kitchen + breakfast room + dining room area. After many, many discussions about color, we finally just bit the bullet and made a decision in under two minutes. We’ll go with it, and if we hate it, we’ll just redo it. After all, it’s just paint.
We chose gray for the dining room — darker “Winter Flannel” below the chair rail and one shade lighter of “Autumn Fog” above. The gray was Jose’s idea, so for the kitchen he gave me a bit more free reign and I chose a dark blue/green/teal called “Starry Sky.” It’s both dark — for him — and bright — for me — at the same time, if such a thing is possible. As an accent, we chose a red (that looks brighter in person than on the internet) and I have a slightly crazy idea on how to use it that’s based around a piece of art for the dining room that we don’t actually own yet. (But I really want!)
Here’s the whole color scheme. I threw in the dark brown of the kitchen cabinets and the tan that’s already on the walls and will remain in at least most of the family room. I like the way it looks on my computer, so we’ll see what it looks like on the walls.
I vote for painting inside the box – I think it would look weird otherwise, especially with the bolder colors you’re looking at. I did it that way when I repainted one of our bathrooms earlier this year, and I didn’t think it was all that much of an extra pain. Then again, it was only one window
My wife is convinced the window boxes should be painted. So, ours are painted.
Yeah, I always struggle with what to do with the inside of the window box. presumably you could use an accent color. But I think the right thing to do is paint it.
I agree, I think you need to paint the boxes. I love the teal. I’m having trouble picturing how the gray will look in that room, but I can’t wait to see how it turns out.