Yep, it’s another house entry. Apologies to those of you that don’t care, but hey, it’s one of the two biggest things going on in my life at the moment.
We went over last night to sign a final piece of paperwork that our sales coordinator forgot last night. When we got there, we realized I’d forgotten that Wednesday is her day off. Forgetfulness all around. Still, we got to see our house again. Things are happening so fast right now that I feel like we should go over there every day! I suggested to Jose that we should ask the neighbors we met on Monday if we can put a webcam in that tiny window (probably a bathroom) on the side of their house. Then we could just monitor the house construction all day, every day. And I’m only half joking!
We may even have a slab by the end of the week. On Monday, the lot was still just wooden forms filled with sand and plumbing. But yesterday it looked like this:

From the back looking forward
I don’t know what I expected to see, but I did not expect all that! (Hearing this will drive some people crazy, I know, but I don’t really know anything about house construction. In general, I choose to trust that the builders know what they’re doing. I expect things to go wrong, and I expect things to NOT be perfect. But I am interested in learning about the construction process as we go along.)

Rebar around the edges
After reading this short bit about slab foundations, I now understand what I’m looking at. I knew they would lay the plumbing underneath the slab, and I knew there would be a network of cables running through the slab that will be tensioned once the concrete is almost cured. But I didn’t realize that it would be like a whole series of upside-down concrete boxes, instead of just one; our foundation will have a lot of footing (if that is the right word). And I didn’t know there would be a layer of plastic between the ground and the concrete, which apparently is to keep moisture out of the foundation. Thank goodness for the internet!

Plumbing that is now underground and will come up through the slab
They’re also putting in our front sidewalk, since they’ll already have the concrete truck out. I know the neighbors will be happy to finally have a sidewalk that connects, since our lot was the only empty one remaining in this small section.

My favorite part is still the pipe that sticks up about 10 feet in the air. It’s the drain for what will be the upstairs bathroom, but it just looks funny right now.
I still can’t believe this is going to be OUR house.
Hmmm, looks like someone is getting a bay window – sweet!