I am definitely getting more and more girly in my old age. In the past few years I’ve found myself admiring various purses. Purses! It wasn’t that long ago that I didn’t even carry a purse, and now I love them. I just got a new one, and it’s a funny/cool story so I thought I’d share, even though talk of purses has probably already driven away any male readers.
A while ago, I came across Sarah’s blog. I can’t even remember how I found it — maybe from Dallas, who I found through Becca? Anyway, I had randomly clicked on Sarah’s site, and as I scrolled through her crafty posts, I suddenly realized that I knew her! She lives here in Houston, works for a NASA contractor, and we used to play soccer together. Small world, right? So I added her blog to my RSS reader and have been thoroughly admiring all of her projects. She really makes me want to learn how to sew something fierce.
So when I saw her post that she was selling this cute bag that she made, I jumped on it. It’s a great bag, and doubly cool because I know who made it. Hooray for handmade!

I think there’s somthing wrong with me ’cause I made it all the way through the entire post and actually enjoyed reading it. I think I’m going to read it again.