I took an hour of my day yesterday to walk over to the auditorium where they had CNN running on a big screen. It was cool to watch the inauguration and see the masses gathered on the Mall. It looked pretty darn cold, but then again, if I’d been in DC I probably would have wanted to be there too. I have high hopes for Obama, and it will be interesting to see how things progress now that he is in office. There is such massive adulation for him, and yet it will be impossible for him to make decisions that please everyone. It was disappointing to see some of the snarky comments made about President Bush’s departure. I wasn’t a fan of many of his policies, but there’s no need to be nasty. I wish him well back here in Texas.
It’s an exciting time. Change is scary. But I hope that it will also be good.
In other news, here’s a photo of me running on Sunday. The race bibs were gigantic this year. While it was cool that everyone was able to read my name in 100-point font, the size was slightly obnoxious. I was a poster child for my triathlon club, BAM. Woo!