Hey hey, the gang’s all here in Charlotte — all except Jose. But never fear, since he has a stocking and presents waiting for him when he arrives on Saturday. We had a lovely day with Christmas breakfast followed by present opening. This year was the year of the books. I got seven books! That should do me for at least six months, since I’m the person who has to force herself away from the computer in order to actually sit down and read. It’s not that I don’t like reading — I love reading — but I often drop it in favor of other activities and obligations. I can’t decide what to read first!
By far the most popular gift in terms of use is the game I mentioned yesterday, Bananagrams, that Katie gave Joel. We have played it for literally hours today. People come and go from the table, but there is always someone playing. Other than the fact that Brian protests a word every time I win, it’s been fun.
Merry Christmas to all!
Hey Sarah,
You can use a scanner that has a slide attachment. With a good scan resolution, you can do an excellent job of digitizing slides.