What did we do before the Internet? Before Amazon? I filled up my shopping cart on Sunday night, and this morning I completed 90% of my Christmas shopping in less than 5 minutes. The only people left on my list are my mom and Jose. I keep telling Jose that he doesn’t need to get me anything this year — and I really mean that, since the engagement ring he gave me six weeks ago is totally enough! — but he doesn’t believe me.
I’m always late with the Christmas shopping, but this year I’ve been worse than usual. Time has really flown since we got back from Japan, and I’m sure it will continue to do so through the new year. Heck, time’s gonna fly from now through at least June. I realized in the car on the way to lunch today that winter and spring are already shaping up to be extremely busy. I had thoughts of doing the Lonestar Half Ironman again at the end of March, but I’m starting to think that I should stick to short distances for the next six months. I’m just not sure I’m going to have the time to train properly. I really should just concentrate on getting in top shape for the Texas Independence Relay in March and leave another half marathon for the future.
In January I’m serving as mentor for a college team that will be in town to fly an experiment on the Vomit Comet. Then in February I’ll be working STS-119 — both the ascent and the rendezvous. In March I’ll be running TIR and doing an intense couple weeks of design work for the Miss Houston pageant again.
I’ll also be taking two more classes at UHCL — the last two required for my degree — plus beginning work on my Master’s project. For the capstone experience required for my Master’s degree, I’m actually given the option of choosing a thesis, a project, or an internship. An internship sounds awesome but is out of the question unless I either take leave without pay, quit my job entirely, or figure out a way to convince my management that they should let me do a rotation to Public Affiars. Writing a thesis is my last choice, so that leaves me with a project. I’m not annoyed by that, in fact, I’m sure I’ll like working on a project (which I get to define) since I enjoy all my class projects as well.
What else? Oh yeah — and we’re planning a wedding for May.
And here I was thinking spring would calm down!…
That schedule is a recipe for one stressed Sarah. I cannot tell you how much time it takes to plan a wedding — even when you don’t want it to. I’d make your wedding invitations or some aspect of your wedding your project.
Reading your Twitter, I hate disappointing people. But I’d rather that than make a call I know was wrong.
You did the right thing.
I wish that I was able to shop the Amazon way. I’ve just been so busy that things have gotten away from me. Tomorrow will be shopping central. Thankfully I have a very small list.