I made my annual batch of owl cookies over the weekend. I usually double the recipe and make two rolls of dough, but this year I just made one since I’m going out of town halfway through the week (and before Halloween). I stretched the single roll of dough into 3 dozen cookies, but they are going fast…
I missed the Houston Half yesterday, but have been enjoying all the race reports. One of my tri friends ran a 2:13 — a 20 minute PR for her, and two minutes faster than my own half marathon PR. She and I have always been similar in speed, with me being the slightly faster one. But she’s in training for the Ironstar half ironman and obviously her dedication is paying off. I’m going to have to work hard if I want to maintain any hope of beating her in our tris next year, since she also competes with me in Athena! This is my problem — I’m competitive (really only when I know I have a chance at an award, like in tris), yet slow, and thus far unwilling to really crack down and put in the serious effort required to get faster. At least I recognize that, even if I do nothing about it, right? Heh.
In any case, I’m sure yesterday was a beautiful morning for running! I ran almost 6 miles on Saturday morning and loved every minute of it. Warm sun, cool breeze — it was perfect. And I felt pretty good too, despite not having covered that distance in a while. Cool weather really does wonders.
The rest of the weekend was pretty calm. I had a design project for class, as well as two other freelance projects, to finish up so I spent a lot of time on the computer. My new Mac is still set up on the dining room table, and I think those chairs are maybe not the most comfortable option for hours on end — my back has been aching on and off for a few days. I finally finished everything up around midnight last night. Whew!
Jose’s mom and brother were in town for the weekend, so we all went to the Wings Over Houston airshow yesterday. We got there right as Tora Tora Tora was starting, and left after the Thunderbirds closed the show. It was fun, and I got some good photos (coming soon), but it turned out to be surprisingly hot. The air temperature wasn’t too bad, but sitting on the concrete tarmac with the sun beating down unmercilessly (not a cloud in the sky) took its toll. I had sunscreen, so I escaped unburnt — just dehydrated. We had an early dinner after leaving, and were so dehydrated that we each gulped down three huge glasses of iced tea.
I love Wings Over Houston and the Thunderbirds. I can’t wait until the baby is old enough to go, so we can make it a family tradition…that is, if the kiddos love the planes as much as I do.
MMM!! They look delicious!