I’m back at work today where things don’t seem too worse for the wear. We’d heard that our building sustained a lot of roof damage, and maybe it did, but it’s not apparent from the inside — at least not in my office. Still, I’ve got to admit that my office was very, very far down on my list of concerns over the past week. Heck, my job entirely was very far down on my list of concerns.
Today I’ve already heard people complain about things such as the fact that the email servers were taken down when JSC powered down in advance of Hurricane Ike and all I can say is: seriously? We got hit by a hurricane but you’re annoyed because you couldn’t check your work email for 2 days? (And it really was only 2 days — maybe even less.) I know we’ve got a mission coming up and all, but…
It certainly didn’t bother me that I couldn’t check my work email account or that my office might get wet. Maybe I just don’t care enough about my job. Who knows.
Mike and Meg sent us a few photos of our various activities in Conroe which included eating, playing Clue the day after the storm, hanging out on the tiki torch-lighted patio, and more eating. (Oh, and drinking.)

All in all, I’ll be happy when September is over. It’s been a rough month with the move, the Miss Bay Area pageant program design work, and Hurricane Ike all converging on a single two-week period. I’m sure all the people along this part of the Gulf coast will agree with me when I say I look forward to months or years from now when this storm is behind us.
Actually the e-mail server thing is a big deal. It affected several centers besides JSC. PLUS, more importnatly, it wasn’t that you couldn’t check your e-mail, it was that all e-mail sent during that time was bounced back, meaning people from outside JSC trying to contact you could not even leave you a message.
Let’s put it this way — it will take a lot to convince me that 2 days of email outage is a big deal when there is a hurricane going on.
Also, I think you might be thinking of the planned NOMAD outage. That would affect all of NASA. But the servers at JSC going down is JSC-specific, I think.
As for not receiving messages, that may be true, but I’m not sure they were bounced back. I see emails in my inbox, sent from JSC addresses, that were sent on Saturday while the servers were down. (Which makes no sense at all — how could they send if the servers were down? — I’m betting they were sent from Blackberries somehow.)
So. Anyway.
There are a lot of people out there who are not happy unless they are complaining about something. The fact that they survived the wrath of mother nature means nothing to them.
Where is the complaint department I want to complain. I am over 50, it is my right to complain. But I will leave it with a simple violent agreement with Sarah that SEPTEMBER SUCKS and will be best in the rear view mirror.