All of the windows in my new apartment face Clear Lake, and while I didn’t get flooded (a small miracle), the wind from Hurricane Ike blew the rain in sheets against the windows for hours. As you can probably guess, apartment complexes don’t exactly splurge on the highest-quality windows and frames, so I ended up with quite a bit of water seeping in through the windows. You could tell the carpet was damp as soon as I walked in, and while it has dried a bit over the past few days thanks in large part to being able to run the air conditioner (which in turn is thanks to the awesome incredible power repair people), I got a visit this evening from a disaster recovery company the apartment complex hired to dry things out and repair roof damage to a few of the buildings.
They had these cool sensors to detect humidity and sure enough, poking them into the carpet and window grout and holding it against the drywall set the sensors beeping in a frenzy. All of the carpet within about 5 feet of the windows and most of the drywall immediately surrounding the window frames are damp. So they rolled in these large dehumidifiers as well as a bunch of fans and now I’m sitting here listening to the loud hum of fans whirring.
Normally I’d complain, but at the moment I’m happy. This is one of the times I get to appreciate the fact that I still live in an apartment — someone else owns the place and takes care of all the maintenance and repair!
They brought these to my house when my A/C flooded the bathroom. They had to turn the water off because they actually suck the water out of the pipes! And we had to put the bird outside, because they can’t tolerate such low humidity!
You’re really lucky your apartment complex found these, they are a hot commodity right now
Now if only those awesome power people could find their way to the Heights…