School started again two weeks ago, making my schedule quite hectic again. I’m taking two classes this semester as I begin to close in on my masters degree in Digital Media Studies. It’s only 6 hours of class time per week (and often less, if we get out early), but it seems to consume a lot more than that since it renders two weekday evenings pretty useless for doing anything else. That said, I’m doing it because I like it, so I don’t usually mind.
This semester I’m taking Desktop Publishing, which is really a means of learning how to use Adobe InDesign and prepare documents for printing. It should be a lot of fun. The projects look cool, and we get to take a “field trip” to a print shop one week. I’m already looking forward to that. Our final project is to create a booklet which our professor will then have professionally printed for each of us. Super cool. I already have some experience with printing but this class will teach me a lot more of the little details.
I’m also taking Digital Media Law, which is another lecture class. The topic should be obvious from the title. Even though it’s rough to sit in class for 3 hours straight just talking and listening, I’ve enjoyed the two classes thus far. I’ve already learned a lot more about the US legal system than I even knew before, as well as the Constitution. Since it’s a seminar, we’re each expected to participate by sharing ideas, asking questions, and bringing in news stories that we’ve seen or heard that apply to the class. I think I will end up enjoying this one much more than the other two lecture class I’ve taken as part of this program.
I love Dvorak!
Back in the days of Yor I took journalism law. Fun and boring at the same time.