I forgot to mention the funny part of the Lunar Rendezvous Run — packet pickup. I waltzed into On The Run on Friday afternoon after work to pick up my packet and my name was nowhere to be found. Apparently I didn’t register! Silly me. Good thing I discovered this on Friday, as I would not have had any money with me on Saturday. I paid my $20 and off I went. I know I’m doing too many events when I can’t even remember what I’ve paid for and what I haven’t. Sheesh.
With that in mind, I registered for the Clear Lake International Tri today. It’s a week after Ironbabe, and it’s closer to a middle distance tri. The swim and bike are both shorter than true Olympic distance (1000m instead of 1500m for the swim, and 30k instead of 40k for the bike) but the run is a full 10k. The run will be a challenge, and may very well spell doom for any chances of winning an Athena award, but I just can’t turn down a new triathlon, run by people I trust, that’s in my own part of town! Even if it does mean swimming in nasty ol’ Clear Lake…
I had a very relaxing weekend after the race on Saturday. Jose and I braved the movie theater crowds that afternoon to see The Dark Knight. I’d heard so much hype about this movie that I was prepared to be disappointed, but I wasn’t. It was exactly as dark, creepy and sinister as I’d heard. And very entertaining. I won’t bother recommending it, since I’m sure you’re all going to see it anyway. It felt like half of Houston was inside the Cinemark.
I ended up skipping the Webster Du entirely — didn’t register in time, then didn’t even go out to volunteer. Instead, I slept until 9:00. That made 10 hours of sleep which was just awesome. I spent the rest of the day lounging, watching TV, and working on some web stuff. The only bad thing is that I completely forgot about the BAM pool party last night! I remembered around 9:00 last night and smacked myself on the head. I must have had Alaska on the brain…
Congratulations on the 5K! I did not know there was going to be an international tri in the Clear Lake area. I am going all the way to Denton or sumkfin for an oly. geez…
anyhow you would smoke me out at Clear Lake..LOL! WTG on the rest you prolly needed it.