- Articles like this about how a sizeable percentage of Americans stay in contact with their office while on vacation always stun me. I’m going to Alaska in less than three weeks and you can bet I will not be thinking about work at all, much less trying to read my work email or check in with the office.
- I was going to post that if you want to run the Houston Marathon or Half Marathon in January, you need to sign up today. But it’s already too late. This morning the website said they were 99% full and sure enough — they are now sold out. And the event is still more than 6 months away! Unbelievable.
- The Houston Museum of Natural Science is having a Guitar Hero II contest in a couple of weeks as part of their RockFest, which is tied in to their cool gems and minerals exhibit. I’m seriously considering entering. I don’t know if I could win, but I could probably hold my own.
- I found this Salon article very interesting. The author talks about public perception of airline pilots as making $150,000 a year for 20 hours per week or work (neither of which is anywhere close to the truth), and about what airlines can do to improve the industry. Airline customer service is awful and should be improved, yet passengers take flying for granted. “If you think there is some terrible injustice in being asked to pay, say, $1,000 to fly halfway around the world, at 600 miles per hour, in a $200 million airplane, in almost absolute safety, you’re being unreasonable.” I totally agree with everything he says. The author actually writes a regular column about the airline industry that is always a good read.
Ugh, here I am on maternity leave checking e-mails and sitting in on conference calls.
I actually returned some work e-mails from labor and delivery…sad!
You should SO enter the Guitar Hero contest! I got it for my DS today for my birthday… want to borrow it to practice up?
Yeah, I don’t get the work attachment issues either. I check if I’m expecting something, but that’s it.
Good airline article.
Let us know when you’re going to rock the museum
I am one of those people. However I am getting better at it. And I plan to be COMPLETELY on vacation when I am in NYC for 6 days!
Interesting perspective from the airline pilot. I have a friend who used to work for US Air-now he’s a stay-at-home dad, as his wife made so much more at Dell.