Ah, the iPhone. Apple introduced the “Gen 2” version yesterday, as you may have heard. It runs on the 3G network and it’s got GPS. But other than that, there are no huge hardware changes. I don’t really need 3G and GPS so for once I’ll overcome my need to have all things tech — gasp! — So I’ll be keeping my current iPhone and upgrading to the new firmware. Which looks great! Lots of updates and the app store is finally coming out so I can add 3rd party programs. I do adore my iPhone and now that it’s only $199, I think they are going to sell a crapload of them.
In other news, after this morning we have all our ducks in a row for the undocking tomorrow. The events summary is finalized with times of all the important milestones — when the Shuttle-ISS stack gets into the proper attitude for undocking, when the solar arrays are properly configured so as to avoid any damage from pluming by the shuttle’s thrusters, when we undock. After that, we do a one lap flyaround of the ISS so that we can get some pretty pictures, and then it’s time for the two separation burns that take the shuttle on its merry way away from ISS and towards a landing on Saturday. Undocking is scheduled for 6:42 a.m. Central time and should stay there, barring any problems. But this has been a very problem-free mission (knock on wood). Good stuff. And only one more early morning for me!
The only downside is that my odd hours have left me with little-to-no energy or motivation to work out. I’m not going to beat myself up about it. Instead, I’m going to jump back in after we undock tomorrow. I’m tired of beating myself up about what I do, how often I do it, and how hard I push myself. I’m also just tired.
Hmm… $199… and I need a new cellphone…
And you’re already with AT&T aren’t you Gavin? Dude, you should totally get one.
Your job is way cool! I hardly understand anything you’re talking about, but it’s cool all the same!
I adore my iPhone too. I was considering getting the new one, but if you don’t need, I danged sure don’t! Thanks for saving me some bucks!