I’ve been admiring some fun composite photos by one of the people I follow on Flickr, so this morning at 6 a.m. while on console, I decided to try it myself using my iPhone as the camera. I put them together in Photoshop and this is the result. It was a fun little project to do, so expect to see more various scene composites in my photostream.
The new Japanese module, Kibo, was just “ingressed” today — meaning they opened the door and went inside. It is huge! The crew looked like they were having a lot of fun bouncing off the walls — literally. There aren’t even any wall lockers installed yet, so the module is nothing but empty space in which to play. I bet those are the most fun times to be an astronaut.
I love looking at Heather’s composites. Was this hard to do in Photoshop?
Ah, the artist in you continues to shine! Very cool.