Happy Birthday to Jose! We went to the Radiohead concert in The Woodlands on Saturday night as his birthday present, but I bought him sushi for lunch and tonight we’re going to the Astros game to celebrate his day. Hooray!
In other news, I decided that there is at least one good thing about running in the Houston summer: when you finish and stop running, it almost feels cool outside! I ran 3 miles on Tuesday night starting at 5:30 and was feeling pretty awful by the end. It’s the first run I’ve done this year in the heat, and it sucked accordingly. I was quite happy to be done and, like I said, the only good thing was that after stopping, the breeze actually felt a little cool.
Last night was brick night, and I was finally able to make it out there, for only the second time this year. Attendance was light, but that didn’t stop me from getting in a solid workout — 17+ miles on the bike followed by a 2-mile run. By the time I got to the run, the sun was low enough that the trees along Bay Area blocked most of it, and so the heat wasn’t too bad.
I continue to love my bike. I’m still adjusting to the aero position, and my neck and back are usually a little sore at the end of each ride, but nothing awful. My neck is actually less sore than it used to be after long rides on my road bike. On the road bike, I have a bad habit of hunching my shoulders and tensing up all the muscles in my neck and upper back — which makes everything start burning after a while. That doesn’t happen on my tri bike. Silverlake is the first race I’ve done with the new bike, so here’s the first official photo of me on ol’ red. (I need a name for my new bike, obviously.)

Boo yeah! I may not be that fast, but at least now I look fast. Ha!
Two gratuitious thoughts on your photo:
1) Blur it up a bit
2) When you see the photographer in the future, make it a habit to put your “outta my way, Speed Babe comin’!” sneer on.
how about that cool bike?!
i didn’t know you got a new one…congrats!
I really want bar end shifters…right now i ride an aero bike with road drop bars…know what I mean? (basically looks like a road bike…)
jealous;) i’m getting another one in a year or so!
You are supa fast! I just saw you took first at Combat. Awesome!!!
Pretty! Which bike did you get? I’m thinking about getting a tri bike before next year, but I’m not sure what I want to get yet.