After weeks of discussing the nuances of Guitar Hero 3 in the office after a bunch of my coworkers gave the game to their kids for Christmas, Ray decided it was time for RGPOGH32K8 Playoffs. (That’s Rendezvous Guidance and Procedures Guitar Hero 3 2008 Playoffs, in case you were wondering.) There was much trash talking prior to the event, and I actually got a little nervous that I wouldn’t be able to live up to my reputation. However, I am proud to report that I am the official RGPOGH32K8 Champion.
Here’s a photo of my Guitar Hero glory. Comments are Ray’s. He keep muttering some nonsense about how I “ruined” his game by calibrating it, despite the fact that everyone agreed that the timing was off prior to said calibration.

Click on the photo if you would like to enlarge the bracket to check out songs, scores, and difficulty.

Yes, Guitar Hero is my TUSP* and I’m not ashamed to say it.
* Totally Useless Superpower
Isn’t “Slow Ride” an easy song? You should at least make it challenging to win the championship!! And how come you got a bye in the first round? HAHAHA! Seriously that sounds fun and I wish I could have come play.
Sure, “Slow Ride” is one of the easier songs, but I still played it on Expert level!
And Alyssa and I got byes in the first round because everyone suspected we were the best. Which we were. ;p
you have to calibrate GH?
awwwww…I want a beagle!!
Congrats on your win…did you get hardware???
Will you be wearing a cape any time soon?
Christina — Apparently GH needs to be calibrated for some HDTVs. I didn’t know it until now, since I don’t have a fancy HDTV.
Pony — no hardware, just bragging rights.
JD — cape! Good idea!