The only running I’ve done since February 22 are my three legs of the Texas Independence Relay. Those legs went well, because I’d only taken off one week at the time. I know, I know. I’m a broken record. I’m busy, I’m busy, blah blah blah. It’s not an excuse, just an explanation.
I ran the Seabrook Half Marathon this morning. Well, “ran” is a subjective word for it. A smart person would not have chosen a half marathon as their “get back on track” race, but when have I ever been smart when it comes to this stuff?
The first lap went fine. Buzz ran with me and we chatted a bit. My stomach didn’t feel so hot at the start, but it got a little better as we ran. I walked for a minute at each mile marker and finished the first half of the race in 1:15. I was pleased enough with that but I knew it wouldn’t last. I walked a lot of the second half. I didn’t really care how long it took, I just wanted to finish.
My final time was 2:40:27. Hey, at least it wasn’t quite as bad as Surfside.
I’m not running the half tomorrow. I told the race director (who I know), and he encouraged me to come back and just walk the whole thing, since the course will be open for 8 hours for the full marathon. But I don’t want to walk an entire race. And even though I hate not running something I signed up for (and not getting that huge medal for running both days), I know I’ll be doing a better thing for me if I do a 40-mile bike ride. After all, I’ve got the half-turned-quarter ironman coming up in two weeks.
I’ll finish that without a problem. Until 3 weeks ago, my training was solid, and my training was for a half ironman. Backing down to the quarter means I should be good to go.
After that, it’s time for me to throttle back. I’ve been going too hard in life lately, and also going too hard with my workouts. I’m certainly not doing myself any favors running half marathons without training properly for them.
Throttle back.
Oh you don’t even want to know how long it’s been since I ran. I will be back. I’m thinking April at the rate I’m headed.
There is no way I could ever walk a half. That is a very long time to be on your feet!
Congrats on running it today! Especially so soon after TIR – awesome job!
1:40:27???!!! I am going to guess since you said it was slower than Surfside that you meant 2:40:27?
At first I was like wow! But then I read your next sentence so I am not sure if that 1:40 is correct?
Oops — yes, major type. TWO hours 40 minutes, not one.
Hey- I didn’t see that you would be riding today! Manny thought he saw you, but he didn’t tell me so I didn’t know to look!
When my trip to Tennessee got schedule-circuited on Saturday, I thought about calling you – especially after reading this post – to see about talking to Robby about running in your spot on Sunday.
I communicate with him related to the Triple, but I don’t think I wanted to get up that early to make it down there on Sunday either.
Doing the Resurrection Run on Saturday?